AirPrime™ Information

World Class

Fire Industry


1250 GPM or Larger Fire Pump Size.

15.6 CFM Minimum Air Compressor Size.

12 Volt System.

If you have a HALE Fire Pump with the letter "Q" in it's name (Q-Max, etc.), choose the Hale Midship Direct Mount model.

Selecting the part number at the right will open the specification for the primer for more detail.

Note: 24 Volt version is available. Contact Trident for more information.

Part Number



AirPrime with Rocker Switch, 1,250 GPM or Larger Pump, Auto Control


AirPrime with Rocker Switch, 1,250 GPM or Larger Pump, Auto Control, Hale Mount

“It's Supersonic”

© Trident Emergency Products 2021

Phone: 215-293-0700